
Putin's ambassador on the carpet. Child killers are the scum of humanity, he heard

The Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned the Russian ambassador in Prague because of the bloody Russian attack on Kyiv. He heard a sharp backlash for the intervention of the children's hospital.


Russian Ambassador Alexander Zmejevsky arrived at the Černín Palace in Hradčany, Prague, on Tuesday afternoon. Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský (Pirates) decided to summon him.

“The killers who attack children in the hospital are the scum of humanity. He was instructed to handle it in Moscow," Lipavský, who was in the United States at the time, told Seznam Zpravám, a server on Russia's list of blocked media.

Deputy Jan Marian interpreted the Czech protest to Zmejevský. The meeting lasted about 10 minutes. Already on Monday, the Czech Ministry described the massive Russian missile attack on Kyiv and other cities as barbaric.

"Unfortunately, we have been seeing similar Russian behavior for two whole years since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. But this is such that it required us to tell the Russian side that this is barbarism and another of the Russian war crimes," Marian commented on the meeting.

The deputy did not want to comment on the ambassador's reaction. "In relations with Russia, we have reached such a level that we are used to anything. I wouldn't expect anything in particular," he answered when asked about Moscow's possible response.

After leaving the Chernin Palace, Zmeevsky denied Russian responsibility for the attack on the hospital. "It was not a Russian missile, it was a Ukrainian missile," he said when asked by Seznam Zpráv. According to him, the meeting at the ministry took place "as usual".

Later in the afternoon, the Russian embassy issued a statement in which it accused the Czech government of spreading anti-Russian narratives.

"The Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not listen to the position of the Russian side," said the Russian embassy, ​​according to which Zmejevski handed Marian a statement from the Russian diplomacy and the Ministry of Defense on Monday's attack in Ukraine. The embassy then accused Prague of being the "mouthpiece" of Kyiv and its Western supporters.

Russian rockets killed 40 people in Ukraine on Monday, of which 27 victims died in strikes on Kiev. Children are among the victims.